#Usenetserver unraid setup how to
Note: Sonarr and Radarr are essentially the same, so I will only demonstrate how to setup Sonarr and these steps can be repeated for Radarr.I think if Sonarr took a cut of the money for a Indexer, that might place them more so into a Piracy zone and Sonarr would disappear like these Indexers tend to do Best lists / Indexers? : radarr - reddi

From that option, select Custom So if you are using NZB's which I am, along with NZBGet which I really like. Scroll all the way down until you find the Torznab option. You will next be presented with a multitude of options of which all but one can be ignored. From there, add a new indexer by clicking on the large plus button. In Sonarr, navigate to the settings and select the Indexers tab. It's also compatible with Sonarr, Radarr, nzb360, CouchPotato, Sick Beard, Watcher, et al Adding all Jackett indexers to Sonarr. NZBHydra 2 works by merging all search results from supported indexers, filtering them, removing duplicates, and then feeds these results to your Usenet downloader client NZBGet or SABnzbd. It can also be configured to automatically upgrade the quality of existing files in the library when a better quality format becomes available NZBHydra 2 is free and essential tool for using Usenet indexers. It can monitor multiple RSS feeds for new movies and will interface with clients and indexers to grab, sort, and rename them. Radarr is a movie collection manager for Usenet and BitTorrent users.